Instructional Delivery

Instructional delivery is meant to help teachers  present quality lessons. By incorporating students’ interests and varying instructional methods, teachers can deliver engaging lessons that meet their students’ needs. Quality instruction is the most important step in a student’s academic success. Some ways to meet the goals of instructional delivery is to use multiple intelligences, diverse instructional strategies, and technology.

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Multiple intelligences are eight different intelligences that outline various learning styles students may have.  These intelligences range from visual learners to naturalistic learners. By incorporating multiple intelligences into a lesson, teachers can help all students learn the same material but through mediums that work best for them. Older students may know how they learn best, but for those who do not, teachers can give short questionnaires to help them understand the various intelligences of their students. During my time at Cave Spring High School, I incorporated four different intelligences into a lesson about evolution. I showed a video about natural selection for the visual learners, and for the linguistic learners, I read aloud a short story on natural selection. Both the video and story hand very similar information, so I was able to provide the material in ways the students could understand it best.

Diverse Instructional Strategies

In the classroom, using diverse instructional strategies can result in engaging activities that cover the curriculum guidelines. Planning lessons with differentiated instruction will increase a student’s academic success.  Teachers need to be able to provide students with other resources to help reinforce the material. These resources may include academic websites or videos. Tools to use in diverse instruction include videos, songs, projects, and stories. In my student teaching experience, I used a children story book called “Little Changes” to introduce the topic of natural selection to my tenth grade biology class.


The student can be seen researching the taxonomy of the African Lion.

Students need the skills to be able to use technology efficiently. Technology can be incorporated into lessons by having students make academic videos or design websites about content material. Technology can also be used as a research tool for projects or papers. At Cave Spring High School, all the students have school issued laptops; the easy access to technology is very useful in the classroom. I had my students use their laptops to research the taxonomy of their favorite animal for our classification unit.