
Professionalism ensures teachers can earn a sense of trust and respect from the students, parents, and administrators.  Teachers who evoke professionalism are able to communicate clearly and carry themselves in an appropriate manner. Educators should hold themselves to high standards and can continue to improve their professionalism by building upon their professional knowledge. Professionalism can be demonstrated through professional memberships, professional growth, and safety certifications.


Professional Memberships

Teachers can continue their professional growth by joining professional organizations. These organizations provide resources, conferences, and opportunities to further develop professional knowledge and communication. I am a member of the Virginia Education Association  and the National Science Teacher Association; both of these organizations provide me with updates in the education and scientific communities.


Professional Growth

In this photo, I am completing an activity as part of my certification for Project Learning Tree

Teacher can continue their professional growth by attending conferences and opportunities such as in-services, which provide experiences to improve instruction and communication.  During my student teacher experience, I was able to take advantage of a few of these opportunities. I participated in an in-service, had the opportunity to judge the Roanoke County science fair, and communicate with professionals during seminars. I completed and received certificates for Project Learning Tree and Project Wild. These are environmental education resources for meeting the science strands of life processes, living systems, and the Earth’s Resources, and they contain great lessons and activities to keep students engaged in learning.



Safety Certifications

My students’ safety is one of my top priorities and to make sure I am prepared in case of an emergency, I’m certified in CPR, First Aid, and AED by the National CPR Foundation. As a result of this training, I am sure of my ability to act appropriately and calmly in an emergency event.